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Post boxes are generally seen as boring, but practical objects. But in Japan, they're a little more unusual. 通常而言,邮筒虽实用,却看着无趣。但日本的邮筒有那么一些不同寻常。 There, post boxes can be shaped like anything from cartoon ch

  Post boxes are generally seen as boring, but practical objects. But in Japan, they're a little more unusual.


  There, post boxes can be shaped like anything from cartoon characters to bird houses. Occasionally, they are also decorated with special items.


  Right now, there are 205 of these special post boxes around Japan making them quirkytourist attractions for locals and visitors.


  The 'decorated' post boxes are dotted all over the country and many are listed on postmap.org, which has mapped more than 175,000 of the country's post boxes. On the website, you can see photographs as well as a map revealing their exact location.


 Towns and cities started to design the post boxes as mini-tourist attractions themselves as they'vebecome very popular with visitors.


  Left, a cute decoration above a traditional post box and right, a memorial post box shaped like a traditional drinks container.


  Left, statues of dancers on a post box unveiled to celebrate Awa Odori (Awa Dance Festival) in Tokushima City and right, a Haiku post box by Matsuyama Castle.


  This penguin post box in Nagoya fits in with the other penguin attractions at Nagoya port, a popular tourist area in the city.


  Left, two bird statues dancing on a box post and right, a post box shaped like Totoro, a Japanese spirit.


  Most normal Japanese post boxes are red but the one on the right is black while the one on the left is silver and features people holding up a ball.



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